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Made for Another World

  Doesn’t it sometimes feel like the way things are handled in our greater world of politics just isn’t cutting it? The endless and vicious circle of talking points, ad hominin attacks and a victory at all costs mindset that hurts anyone in the way. This has been part of the steady polarization we see in the culture around us in the West, particularly in the United States. CS Lewis famously wrote, “If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.” This fits perfectly in line with the message given to not just the Christians of the early church in the New Testament, but also to the natural nation of Israel. Their way of life commanded by God was meant to distinguish themselves in the culture around them as a people doing things differently. From having no standing military, a king who was a humble servant of the people, a priesthood with no means of amassing political or economic powe

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